Baby Shower 2016!

  Darling daughter Baylee is expecting her first baby this Spring, and I have been planning her shower for a few months.  You know how it is, you get the idea and say "thank goodness I have lots of time to plan this".  The next thing you know, its 4 weeks away and you haven't even bought invitations.  This was my dilemma.  So, I did the thing I dread the most....delegated.  Thankfully, Baylee had a theme she wanted to go with, Baby Duckies, so I didn't have to come up with that.
  Older daughter Caitlin bought invitations and we got started.  Finding addresses is hard now!  Very few people have landlines, so we resorted to Facebook messaging for that.  People are very good at ignoring your messages when you want to invite them to a shower!  Hmmm....Anyway, the next life saver in this whole plan was Pinterest!  Here were some of my favorites who's ideas I used: for lovely white chocolate dipped Oreos. for blue punch that we used for pregatinis for pages for baby's first alphabet book for yummy winter wonderland white chocolate popcorn

  I could not have pulled off this shower without these ideas.  So the big day arrives and I am sick.  I mean can't crawl out of bed without the room spinning sick.  Food poisoning.  Darling hubby Scott announces to the kids that I'm sick and won't be going to church.  I was determined to get up and moving to save the shower because you know, it couldn't happen without me.  This is my own fault for not delegating more.  I think I might have control issues.  Finally a few hours before the shower was to start, Baylee woke me up and helped me get the last of the items to the car and we were on our way.
I did my best to do it all myself (again with the control issues), but both Baylee and Caitlin had friends arrive early and they took charge of a few items and I realized I really, really needed to step back and let them.

  We didn't play those awful games that people are forced to participate in at showers, we had activity stations and lots of snacks.  Everyone said it was really fun and relaxed, and we all had a good time.  Then I realized I had to clean up.  UGH!  Again, Baylee's friends jumped in and helped and in no time we were all done withe clean up.  We got home and Scott and Darling son, Parker brought everything in and I went back to bed.  I realized sometime early this morning that I didn't take a single picture!  Baylee took a few, thank goodness.

One of the activity stations.  Adults really love to color!

The favorite activity.  Who knew you could come up with so many Poop references :)

Some of the food.  Me in the background standing upright!                                                              

Baylee and her wonderful friend who helped out soooo much!                                                             

  I'm so glad we had the baby shower, but I am so glad its over!  Blessings!  Love, Yaya


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